It's finally here!
Tomorrow is the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!
JUST ONE MORE DAY (insert happy dance here)!
I nearly can't contain myself! But I will try...just for you!
Today was our kindergarten celebration (you know, the party with the caps and gowns and such). Our little kinders did AWESOME! Every year all four of us kindergarten teachers stand on that stage with them, smiling ear to ear. I even noted that my jaw was hurting afterwards from all the smiling that took place during the ceremony.
I hope you don't mind, but I want to share a story about one of my little cuties that I had this year. I had a little girl in my class (we will call her Sally).
When I got Sally on the first day of school, she DIDN'T SPEAK. I'm talking, she said NOTHING!
Both of her parents expressed their concerns to me because according to them she would talk at home (so they knew she was capable) but she simply refused to speak in public. I remember her mom doing everything to coax her to say something to me back in August at Meet Your Teacher Day.
Sally simply refused to speak.
So, of course I was concerned too, but stayed optimistic.
Mid year review came and Sally still wasn't doing much talking. The kids would ask me "Does she know how to talk?" I would explain to them that Sally would speak when she was ready to speak.
I was right! With a matter of time and a lot of nurturing, Sally started to feel more and more comfortable with all of us.
Amazingly, today, that same little girl, WITHOUT HESITATION, spoke into a microphone.
She told an entire audience, of probably more than 150 people, what she loved about kindergarten.
There was no stumbling over her words.
There was no reluctancy in her voice.
I will NEVER forget how I felt at that very moment.
The pride that I felt, simply did me in!
Of course, there were tears streaming down my face.
Little Sally reminded me of the profound impact we can make on a child.
Sally is my success story this year!
Needless to say, after the program, both of her parents came over to me.
As they walked up to me holding little Sally's hand, I proudly said "Did you hear how well she spoke to the audience? I couldn't be more proud of her."
Her mother, with tears in her eyes said..."It was because of you, Mrs. Greene."
I'm telling you...I'm still beaming with pride over my little Sally!
Thanks for allowing me the opportunity to share my story with you. It was one of those wonderful moments that you get to have in your teaching career that reminds you why you do what you do. I am sure that you have had those eye-opening moments as well. Please share...I would love to hear.
Oh, and since I am on the subject of "Just One More," I noticed that I am at 99 followers. I only need ONE MORE to get to 100. Wouldn't that be a great last day of school surprise?
Happy Blogging!